Upon entering it was a well lit 3 stall layout with a classic white and green tile design most Barnes and Noble bathrooms have.
The tile did not look too grimy and all the doors worked, were equipped with purse hooks and loaded with toilet paper and seat covers.
Temperature wise, it was a little chilly, but not to the point were my buttocks produced goosebumps when exposed.
I hate the cheap toilet paper many major big-box companies use in their stores though. It's thin and scratchy, making the cleaning process a long and painful one.

In the stall I chose there was a sticker from a shirt stuck to the wall.
OK, how lazy do you have to be to not throw away a piece of trash in the bathroom of all places? That was just the laziest litterbug right there, in the stall before me.
Enjoy that t-shirt made by a child starving to death in Bangladesh and leave your trash stuck to the wall while your at it for somebody else to clean up and don't forget to recycle.
To quell my litterbug fury, both the soap, the paper towels were full and the sink was clean.
Overall the Barnes and Noble bathrooms were a good stop to make. Clean, well lit and well stocked, there was little to fear. 9/10
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